package { import nape.space.Space; import ldEasyNape.LDEasyNape; import nape.constraint.PivotJoint; import nape.constraint.ConstraintList; import nape.phys.BodyList; import nape.phys.Body; import nape.geom.Vec2; import nape.phys.Compound; import flash.display.Graphics; /** * @author yangfei */ public class RopeJoint { private var rope : Compound; private var segmentNum : uint; private var segmentHeight : Number = 30; private var segmentWidth : Number = 2; private var startPoint : Vec2; private var endPoint : Vec2; private var startBody : Body; private var endBody : Body; private var bodyList : BodyList; private var jointList : ConstraintList; public function RopeJoint(body1:Body, body2:Body, segmentSize:Number=20, ropeLenth:Number=0) { startBody = body1; endBody = body2; startPoint = startBody.position; endPoint = endBody.position; if(ropeLenth==0){ ropeLenth=Vec2.distance(startPoint, endPoint); } segmentNum = Math.ceil(ropeLenth/ segmentHeight); segmentHeight=segmentSize; bodyList = new BodyList(); jointList = new ConstraintList(); rope = new Compound(); init(); } private function init():void{ var joint : PivotJoint = new PivotJoint(startBody, endBody, Vec2.weak(), Vec2.weak()); joint.compound = rope; jointList.unshift(joint); for(var i:int = 0; i<segmentNum; i++){ addSegment(); } } // used in addSegment(); private var px : Number; private var py : Number; private var joint : PivotJoint; private var segment : Body; private var firstJoint : PivotJoint; public function addSegment():void{ //定义刚体的初始坐标 px = startPoint.x; py = startPoint.y + segmentHeight/2; //创建刚体 segment = LDEasyNape.createBox(px, py, segmentWidth, segmentHeight); segment.shapes.at(0).sensorEnabled = true; //如果不是第一节刚体,则设置新刚体为第一节刚体的坐标 if(bodyList.length>0){ segment.position.set(bodyList.at(0).position); segment.rotation = bodyList.at(0).rotation; } //调整第一个关节 firstJoint = jointList.at(0) as PivotJoint; firstJoint.body1 = segment; firstJoint.anchor1 = Vec2.weak(0, segmentHeight/2); //创建新的关节,将新增刚体连接到body1上 joint = new PivotJoint(startBody, segment, Vec2.weak(), Vec2.weak(0,-segmentHeight/2)); joint.stiff=true; joint.ignore = true; joint.compound = rope; bodyList.unshift(segment); jointList.unshift(joint); } public function removeSegment():void{ if(jointList.length < 5) return; bodyList.shift().compound = null; jointList.shift().compound = null; var joint : PivotJoint = jointList.at(0) as PivotJoint; joint.body1= startBody; joint.anchor1 = Vec2.weak(); } public function set space(value : Space):void{ rope.space = value; } public function get space():Space{ return rope.space; } public function set active(value : Boolean):void{ var firstJoint : PivotJoint = jointList.at(0) as PivotJoint; var lastJoint : PivotJoint = jointList.at(jointList.length-1) as PivotJoint; firstJoint.active=value; lastJoint.active=value; } public function get active():Boolean{ var firstJoint : PivotJoint = jointList.at(0) as PivotJoint; return firstJoint.active; } public function set body1(value : Body):void{ var joint : PivotJoint = jointList.at(0) as PivotJoint; joint.body1=value; startBody = value; startPoint = startBody.position; } public function set body2(value : Body):void{ var joint : PivotJoint = jointList.at(jointList.length-1) as PivotJoint; joint.body2=value; endBody = value; endPoint = endBody.position; } public function drawLine(graphic : Graphics):void{ graphic.clear(); if(!active) return; graphic.lineStyle(5); graphic.moveTo(startPoint.x, startPoint.y); var px: Number, py:Number; var ax: Number, ay:Number; var i:int=1; var body: Body; var joint: PivotJoint; for(;i<jointList.length;i++){ joint = jointList.at(i) as PivotJoint; body = joint.body1; px=body.position.x; py=body.position.y; ax=body.localPointToWorld(joint.anchor2).x; ay=body.localPointToWorld(joint.anchor2).y; graphic.curveTo( ax, ay, px, py); } graphic.curveTo(joint.body2.position.x,joint.body2.position.y,endPoint.x, endPoint.y); } } }
Hi there, I just want to say thank you! This isn’t as easy to follow as I hoped for, but the source code you provided has been absolutely fantastic help. Thanks!